TED Talks curated for the workplace
Our content library features expert TED Speakers and covers the most relevant, critical topics. Access our ready-made or custom-curated content collections to support your organization's strategic initiatives.

Invest in leadership and manager development
TED@Work offers insights from experts in leadership development, to explore what it means to be a “leader” across all roles and levels. Retain top talent and encourage higher engagement as you offer vehicles for building visibility and influence through discussion-based learning.
Take a look at our Manager Confidential series!

Align learning initiatives with business priorities
Access content from leading experts on business-critical topics like Embracing Change, Digital Transformation, AI & Robotics, Disruption & Innovation and Workplace of the Future.

Build human skills for the future of work
TED offers cutting-edge ideas from thought leaders and industry experts. Discover the latest thinking from major industry sectors including Sales & Service, Finance, Life Sciences, & Healthcare.

Share big ideas to transform workplace culture
Infuse your workplace with the openness, ingenuity, authenticity, and passion that’s unique to TED Talks. Use TED as a pathway to more learning and engagement.
Supercharge learning with powerful stories
26 billion views later, TED speakers offer human and relatable stories that stick. They challenge perspectives, offer diverse points of view, and share workable solutions.
Address critical topics with TED content
The TED@Work library is updated quarterly to cover emerging and trending topics. We help build skills around Al adoption, communication, workplace wellness, and more.
Use ready-made or custom collections
Package and contextualize TED ideas for your organization with our ready-made content collections or custom collections from the TED@Work curation team.